X-Tra Focus on Pathophysiology using Chinese Meridian Philosophy
The concept of energy channels is a central point of many alternative therapies such as Acupuncture, as well as Reflexology. Congestions along these energy channels are caused by blockages which in turn will manifest themselves as various diseases and ailments throughout the body.
A clear understanding of how these congestions can manifest in the body, together with typical symptoms warning us that the body is no longer in a state of homeostasis, will aid us in the understanding of the root causes of “disease”.
The principles and philosophies of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are based on the premise that we need to treat the body as a whole (body, mind and soul). The concept of the Meridians is the focus point of many therapies, such as Acupuncture where needles are inserted into points along the Meridian lines to clear blockages, or Shiatsu being a more Japanese form of finger massage along the Meridians. Chinese herbal medicine also takes cognisance of these principles and philosophies in determining which remedies will be most beneficial.
Having an insight into the Meridians from a more Western point of view and applying our knowledge of pathophysiology at the same time, a different picture emerges from which many of the questions unanswered in many therapies can be solved. We start realizing why certain debilitating diseases are on the increase in modern society and how we can combat these diseases effectively. In addition to this, a clearer understanding can be obtained as to why certain conditions often go hand-in-hand with one another. For example, it will become evident why patients suffering from Diabetes Mellitus are often also overweight, susceptible to gangrene and have a tendency to seek attention and sympathy from others (Five Elements). Typical symptoms such as thirst and heart palpitations, which only in recent years have been recognized by Orthodox medicine, are also explained according to the Meridians.
The X-TRA focus on Pathophysiology using Chinese Meridian Philosophy CPD course will investigate the Meridians in depth with specific emphasis being placed on the application of pathophysiology. Mastering this knowledge will prepare you to apply in-depth assessment skills towards patient emotional behaviour. This will be added to in the next course in the series; X-TRA focus on Emotional behaviour using Chinese Five Elements Philosophy.
Specific learning outcomes
On completion of this course, the participants will be able to relate to:
- Connect to “The Nei Ching”
- Comprehend that prevention is better than cure
- Explain Chi’ and where it comes from
- Relate energy to food and health
- Comprehend the interaction between Yin and Yang
- Explain internal and external Meridians
- Identify the different Meridian pathways
- Differentiate between Meridian and organ congestions
- Connect each Meridian to its partner Meridian
- Classify Meridians according to Yin and Yang
- Describe and relate medical disorders and diseases in relation to Meridians
- Identify and list the characteristics of each Meridian
- Describe and explain specific muscle imbalances and relate them to specific Meridians
- Comprehend pathophysiology using the median system and philosophy
- Master practical treatment techniques related to Meridians